Li'l Miracles International Preschool Wed, 16 Oct 2024 05:20:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Li'l Miracles 32 32 How To Get Your Child to Listen the First Time Wed, 16 Oct 2024 05:20:32 +0000 One of the most common questions parents ask is, “How do I get my child to listen the first time?” While it may seem like a challenge, the solution often lies in how you communicate with your child. Surprisingly, getting your child to listen isn’t…

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One of the most common questions parents ask is, “How do I get my child to listen the first time?” While it may seem like a challenge, the solution often lies in how you communicate with your child. Surprisingly, getting your child to listen isn’t just about what they do—it’s about what you do first. By adjusting your approach, using positive language, and modelling good listening behaviour, you can foster better communication and cooperation.

  1. Set a Positive Tone
  2. Children respond more to the tone and emotion in your voice than to the words themselves. If you want them to listen, start by speaking in a calm and positive manner. Yelling or sounding frustrated can make them shut down or become defensive, whereas a friendly, confident tone encourages engagement.

  3. Use Positive Language
  4. Rather than giving negative commands like “Stop running!” or “Don’t do that,” try rephrasing with positive instructions. For example, say “Please Walk” instead of “Stop running.” This helps your child focus on what they should be doing rather than what they shouldn’t, making it easier for them to follow through.

  5. Get Their Attention First
  6. Before giving instructions, make sure you have your child’s full attention. Call their name, make eye contact, or gently touch their arm. Children, especially preschoolers, are easily distracted, and if they’re not focused on you, they won’t hear what you’re saying. Once you have their attention, speak clearly and directly.

  7. Model Good Listening Skills
  8. If you want your child to listen, you need to model what good listening looks like. Show them how to listen attentively when they speak to you by putting aside distractions and maintaining eye contact. When they feel heard and understood, they’re more likely to reciprocate and listen in return.

  9. Keep Instructions Simple and Clear
  10. Young children can easily become overwhelmed by too much information. Keep your instructions short, clear, and specific. Break tasks down into simple steps, and avoid giving multiple instructions at once. This makes it easier for them to understand and act on what you’re asking.

  11. Be Consistent
  12. Consistency is key when it comes to listening and following directions. If you only enforce listening sometimes, children will become confused about when they need to pay attention. Make sure to stick to the same expectations and follow through with consequences or rewards to reinforce good listening habits.

  13. Practice Patience
  14. Children are still learning how to process information and follow instructions. It’s important to be patient and give them time to respond. If they don’t listen right away, gently repeat your request and remind them of what they need to do.

At Li’l Miracles International Preschool, we believe in nurturing effective communication from an early age. With the right guidance and a positive approach, teaching children to listen the first time can be a rewarding experience for both parents and children. Remember, when you lead by example, your child will follow.

Lalit Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

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Teachings of Dussehra for Preschoolers Thu, 10 Oct 2024 06:29:52 +0000 The Triumph of Good Over Evil The central message of Dussehra is that goodness will always prevail, no matter how difficult the situation may seem. The story of Lord Rama defeating Ravana and Goddess Durga slaying Mahishasura teaches children that it’s important to stand up…

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  1. The Triumph of Good Over Evil
  2. The central message of Dussehra is that goodness will always prevail, no matter how difficult the situation may seem. The story of Lord Rama defeating Ravana and Goddess Durga slaying Mahishasura teaches children that it’s important to stand up for what’s right and to always choose the path of goodness.

    Lesson for Preschoolers: It’s important to be kind, honest, and good-hearted. This can mean being nice to friends, sharing, and telling the truth, even when it’s hard.

  3. Courage and Strength
  4. Lord Rama and Goddess Durga faced mighty foes, but they never gave up. Dussehra teaches the value of courage—whether it’s standing up to bullies, facing new challenges, or trying something new.

    Lesson for Preschoolers: It’s okay to feel scared sometimes, but with courage, we can overcome any challenge. Whether it’s learning to ride a bike or solving a tricky puzzle, bravery helps us grow.

  5. The Importance of Family and Teamwork
  6. In the Ramayana, Lord Rama is supported by his brother Lakshmana, wife Sita, and his devoted friend Hanuman. They work together as a team to defeat Ravana. Similarly, Goddess Durga was blessed by the gods and supported by their divine powers in her battle against Mahishasura.

    Lesson for Preschoolers: We are stronger when we work together. Whether it’s helping around the house, sharing toys with friends, or working on a group project at preschool, teamwork makes everything better.

  7. Patience and Perseverance
  8. The battle between Lord Rama and Ravana, as well as Goddess Durga’s fight with Mahishasura, did not end in a day. It took time, effort, and perseverance to achieve victory. Dussehra teaches children the importance of patience and hard work.

    Lesson for Preschoolers: Don’t give up! Whether it’s building a tall tower with blocks or learning a new skill, patience and practice are the keys to success.

  9. The Value of Knowledge and Wisdom
  10. Ravana, despite his strength and power, was defeated because he lacked righteousness and misused his knowledge. Dussehra teaches children the importance of using their knowledge for good and making wise choices.

    Lesson for Preschoolers: Learning is important, but we must also use what we learn to make good choices and help others.

How We Celebrate Dussehra at Li’l Miracles International Preschool

At Li’l Miracles International Preschool, we celebrate Dussehra by bringing its meaningful lessons into the classroom through fun and engaging activities:

  1. Storytelling Sessions:
  2. We share the story of Lord Rama and Ravana, using colorful visuals and puppets to help children understand the significance of the festival.

  3. Creative Art and Crafts:
  4. Children create their own Ravana effigies, masks, and artwork based on the story. This helps them understand the symbolism of Dussehra while engaging in fun, hands-on learning.

  5. Dramatic Play (Ramlila):
  6. We organize a simple, child-friendly version of Ramlila, where children take on roles and act out the victory of Lord Rama. This helps them grasp the importance of teamwork and goodness.

  7. Good Deeds Activity: Children are encouraged to share their own experiences of doing good deeds, such as helping a friend, sharing toys, or being kind to someone. We emphasize that these small acts of kindness represent the true spirit of Dussehra.

  8. Discussion on Good vs. Bad Choices:
  9. We have circle time discussions where children share what they think are good and bad behaviors. This helps them reflect on their actions and the importance of making good choices every day.


Dussehra is more than just a festival of celebrations—it is a reminder to choose kindness, courage, and goodness in everything we do. By instilling these values in preschoolers, we help them understand the importance of character and moral strength. At Li’l Miracles International Preschool, we celebrate Dussehra with joy, creativity, and reflection, teaching our little ones lessons that will stay with them for life.

Join us at Li’l Miracles International Preschool as we celebrate festivals that nurture the heart and mind, helping every child grow into a thoughtful, kind, and courageous individual.

Riitu Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

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How to Ask for an Apology from an Angry Child Sat, 05 Oct 2024 10:24:06 +0000 When emotions run high, especially during moments of conflict, it’s easy to demand an apology in the heat of the moment. However, asking for an apology when a child is still angry or upset rarely leads to genuine remorse. In fact, it can feel more…

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When emotions run high, especially during moments of conflict, it’s easy to demand an apology in the heat of the moment. However, asking for an apology when a child is still angry or upset rarely leads to genuine remorse. In fact, it can feel more like a punishment than a step toward healing.

Apologies are precious commodities. They shouldn’t be given or demanded lightly. True apologies must come from a place of understanding, empathy, and calmness. When we push a child to apologize immediately, saying something like, “I expect an apology right now!” in a firm tone, we may not realize that we’re asking for something the child isn’t ready to give. Instead, we are placing more pressure on an already stressful situation, which often leads to an insincere or hollow apology.

Steps to Encourage a Genuine Apology:

  1. Calm the Storm First: Before asking for an apology, ensure that both you and your child have cooled down. Take a break from the situation, let emotions settle, and provide the space for reflection. Calmness is the foundation for true communication.
  2. Model Empathy: Explain to your child how their actions made you or others feel, without using an accusatory tone. Focus on the emotions behind the action rather than the action itself. For example, instead of saying, “You hurt your sister,” you can say, “Your sister felt sad when you took her toy.”
  3. Create the Right Environment: Apologies should be exchanged in a space where both parties feel comfortable and safe. This makes the apology more meaningful, and the recipient is more likely to receive it with grace.
  4. Let the Child Reflect: Give your child the opportunity to understand the impact of their behavior. Ask questions like, “How do you think your actions made your friend feel?” This encourages self-reflection, allowing the child to arrive at the conclusion that an apology is needed on their own.
  5. Teach Accountability: Explain that apologizing isn’t about being forced to admit wrongdoing; it’s about taking responsibility for their actions. Encourage your child to see the value in repairing relationships and restoring trust.
  6. Time It Right: The time for an apology is when the child is calm and has had a chance to process the situation. When an apology is heartfelt, it can rebuild connections and teach important life skills, such as empathy and conflict resolution.
  7. Praise Sincere Apologies: Acknowledge when your child gives a heartfelt apology. Let them know that their effort to make amends is appreciated and that this is a positive step in growing emotionally.

By practicing these steps, you can help your child understand that apologies aren’t simply about saying “sorry.” Instead, they’re about recognizing the effect of their actions, making amends, and learning from their mistakes.

For more informative articles on your child’s development, learning milestones, and parenting advice, follow Li’l Miracles Blogs. And if you’re looking for the perfect preschool to begin your child’s educational journey, be sure to check out Li’l Miracles International Preschool!

Lalit Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

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Parenting An Angry Kid: How To Teach Them R.E.S.P.E.C.T! Thu, 03 Oct 2024 10:20:26 +0000 Dealing with an angry child can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. However, teaching them the values of respect through the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. approach can turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth. Let’s break down this framework and see how it can…

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Dealing with an angry child can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. However, teaching them the values of respect through the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. approach can turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth. Let’s break down this framework and see how it can help your child manage their emotions and build stronger relationships.

R – Respect Your Child

It all starts with respect. As parents, we must show respect to our child’s emotions, thoughts, and needs. Even when they’re angry, acknowledging their feelings and making them feel heard builds trust. When children see that their feelings are validated, they are more likely to reciprocate with respect. It’s essential to model this respect in how you communicate and respond to their anger.

E – Expect Respect in Return

Respect is a two-way street. Once you’ve demonstrated respect, it’s important to set the expectation that they treat you, and others, with respect as well. This doesn’t mean forcing obedience in moments of frustration but teaching your child to express their anger in healthy, respectful ways. Establish clear boundaries that make it known disrespectful behavior won’t be tolerated.

S – Support Your Child

Anger often stems from deeper emotions like frustration, fear, or sadness. Your child may not have the tools to understand or manage these emotions. Show support by helping them name their feelings, identify triggers, and work through their emotions constructively. Being their safe space will reduce outbursts over time.

P – Positive Attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude is key. Children pick up on your energy and emotions. Instead of reacting negatively to their anger, try to remain calm and composed. Positive reinforcement can also work wonders – praising them when they manage their anger or express themselves respectfully helps reinforce good behavior.

E – Encourage

Encouragement is the fuel for progress. Let your child know that it’s okay to feel angry, but how they deal with it is what matters. Encourage them to use words instead of actions, take deep breaths, or even take a break when needed. Empowering them with techniques to manage their emotions builds confidence and resilience.

C – Create Family Rules for Disagreements

Setting ground rules for disagreements can help everyone manage conflict in a healthy way. As a family, decide on rules for handling disagreements, such as no yelling, no name-calling, and taking time-outs when things get too heated. When your child knows the boundaries, they’ll feel more secure and understand that anger doesn’t have to lead to chaos.

T – Train Your Child

Anger management isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time and practice. Teach your child specific tools like deep breathing, counting to ten, or using a calm-down space. Consistent training helps them build the skills they need to regulate their emotions, both at home and in the outside world.

Raising an angry child can be tough, but teaching them respect, understanding, and self-control is possible with the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. method. By focusing on respect, creating clear expectations, and giving them the tools they need, you’re not just managing their anger—you’re raising emotionally intelligent, respectful individuals.

For informative and accurate articles on all things related to your child’s development, growth, learning milestones, parenting advice follow Li’l Miracles Blogs and do check out our preschool – Li’l Miracles International Preschool for the first step in your child’s educational journey!

Lalit Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

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Importance of Gandhi Jayanti for Preschoolers Mon, 30 Sep 2024 05:27:16 +0000 Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated on October 2nd, is more than just a day off from school for preschoolers. It’s a wonderful opportunity to introduce them to important values like truth, kindness, and non-violence, which Mahatma Gandhi, lovingly known as “Bapu,” stood for. At this tender age,…

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Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated on October 2nd, is more than just a day off from school for preschoolers. It’s a wonderful opportunity to introduce them to important values like truth, kindness, and non-violence, which Mahatma Gandhi, lovingly known as “Bapu,” stood for. At this tender age, children are highly impressionable, and stories of Gandhi’s life can plant seeds of respect, compassion, and love for humanity in them. Through simple, engaging activities, we can teach preschoolers about peace and how they can resolve conflicts in their daily lives.

Why is Gandhi Jayanti Celebrated?

Gandhi Jayanti honors Mahatma Gandhi’s contribution to India’s independence and his advocacy for non-violent resistance. Gandhi’s philosophy of “Ahimsa” (non-violence) and “Satyagraha” (truth) transformed not only the freedom struggle in India but also movements around the world. His legacy of compassion, simplicity, and justice is a source of inspiration for generations, and celebrating his birth helps preserve these values. It serves as a reminder for preschoolers to follow a path of peace, truth, and humility.

Gandhi Jayanti Activities for Preschoolers

  1. Storytelling Sessions:
  2. Share simple stories about Gandhi’s life, such as the “Salt March” or his principle of truth. Use picture books or visual aids to engage preschoolers in his journey and values.

  3. Crafting Spinning Wheels (Charkha):
  4. Preschoolers can create paper spinning wheels to symbolize Gandhi’s promotion of self-reliance and simplicity. It’s a fun way for them to connect with an important aspect of Gandhi’s life.

  5. Non-Violence and Peace Activities:
  6. Organize role-playing games where preschoolers solve pretend conflicts through peaceful discussions, helping them understand the value of non-violence in real-life situations.

  7. Peace Dove Craft:
  8. Kids can make peace doves from paper, representing Gandhi’s message of non-violence and harmony. It’s a creative way to help them internalize the values of peace and compassion.

  9. Cleaning and Organizing Activities:
  10. Inspired by Gandhi’s love for cleanliness, preschoolers can participate in cleaning their classroom or home environment, teaching them the value of responsibility and respect for their surroundings.

Through these simple and meaningful activities, preschoolers can begin to grasp Gandhi’s important teachings while enjoying hands-on learning experiences.

Lalit Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

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5 Ways Yoga Helps Kids with ADHD Fri, 27 Sep 2024 05:28:49 +0000 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can make it challenging for children to focus, regulate emotions, and manage their energy levels. Yoga offers a holistic approach to help kids channel their energy and enhance their overall well-being. Here are five ways yoga can benefit children with…

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can make it challenging for children to focus, regulate emotions, and manage their energy levels. Yoga offers a holistic approach to help kids channel their energy and enhance their overall well-being. Here are five ways yoga can benefit children with ADHD:

  1. Sets a Positive Mood
  2. Yoga has a calming effect that helps set a positive mood. By starting with gentle stretches and postures, children can shift from a hyperactive or restless state to one of calmness. This mood shift can be essential in helping kids with ADHD approach tasks or situations with more focus and relaxation.

  3. Regulates Breathing
  4. One of the core elements of yoga is breath control. Deep, mindful breathing can help kids slow down their racing thoughts and calm their bodies. For children with ADHD, practicing breathing techniques can be an excellent way to develop self-regulation, making it easier to manage emotional outbursts or impulsive reactions.

  5. Promotes Mindfulness
  6. Yoga encourages children to be fully present in the moment. This mindfulness practice can be particularly helpful for kids with ADHD, who may often struggle with distractions or wandering thoughts. Learning to focus on their breath, posture, or movements teaches them how to be aware of their bodies and minds, helping them improve their attention spans over time.

  7. Establishes Routine
  8. Consistency is key for children with ADHD. Yoga can offer a structured and predictable routine that children can rely on. Having a regular time for yoga practice creates a sense of stability, which can help children feel more grounded and less overwhelmed by their daily activities.

  9. Boosts Self-Esteem
  10. As children practice yoga, they experience small successes in mastering poses and controlling their breath. These achievements can significantly boost their confidence. For kids with ADHD, who may often feel frustrated or different, building self-esteem through yoga can be a powerful way to feel capable and proud of their progress.

Yoga provides a gentle yet effective way for children with ADHD to manage their symptoms, promoting a balanced and calm approach to life. Incorporating it into their daily routine can offer long-term benefits for both their mental and emotional well-being.

Lalit Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

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9 Qualities You Can Instill in Your Child This Navratri Wed, 25 Sep 2024 05:23:49 +0000 Navratri is a time for celebration, traditions, and devotion, but it’s also an excellent opportunity for parents to instill important values and qualities in their children. As parents, you can use this festive season to nurture the following nine qualities in your little ones: Strength…

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Navratri is a time for celebration, traditions, and devotion, but it’s also an excellent opportunity for parents to instill important values and qualities in their children. As parents, you can use this festive season to nurture the following nine qualities in your little ones:

  1. Strength
  2. Navratri symbolizes the victory of good over evil, making it the perfect time to teach your child about inner strength. Encourage them to face challenges, whether it’s trying something new or overcoming fears, and show them that true strength lies in perseverance.

    Activity Idea: Engage in simple yoga or physical exercises to build physical strength and talk about how it translates to mental and emotional resilience.

  3. Kindness
  4. This festival teaches the importance of love and compassion. Encourage your child to show kindness towards others, be it family members, friends, or even animals. Small acts of kindness, like sharing toys or helping with chores, can go a long way.

    Activity Idea: Create a “kindness jar” where every act of kindness your child performs earns a token. At the end of Navratri, reward them with a special treat or experience.

  5. Wisdom
  6. Wisdom isn’t just about knowledge but understanding how to use it. During Navratri, you can introduce simple lessons about decision-making and problem-solving. Share stories from mythology that emphasize wisdom and good judgment.

    Activity Idea: Read age-appropriate stories from the Ramayana or Mahabharata and ask your child what they learned from the characters’ choices.

  7. Creativity
  8. Navratri is full of colors, music, and art. Tap into this creative energy by encouraging your child’s artistic side. Whether it’s making decorations for the house or creating their own Navratri-themed artwork, this is a great time to inspire their imagination.

    Activity Idea: Have a craft day where your child can make DIY garlands, paper dolls, or clay idols of Goddess Durga.

  9. Courage
  10. The stories of Navratri are filled with examples of courage, especially Goddess Durga fighting evil forces. Use these stories to show your child the importance of being brave in the face of difficulties.

    Activity Idea: Encourage them to try something new or face a small fear, like riding a bike or speaking up in a group, and reward their efforts regardless of the outcome.

  11. Joyfulness
  12. Navratri is a time of celebration, and joy is at the heart of the festival. Teach your child to appreciate the simple joys in life, from dancing to the beats of Garba to spending time with loved ones.

    Activity Idea: Organize a small family dance party at home and let your child experience the pure joy of movement, music, and togetherness.

  13. Gratitude
  14. Gratitude is a quality that can be nurtured from a young age. Encourage your child to be thankful for the things they have, from their toys to their meals, and the people around them.

    Activity Idea: Start a gratitude ritual, where every day during Navratri, your child writes down or shares one thing they are grateful for.

  15. Balance
  16. Navratri teaches the balance between devotion and celebration, between effort and joy. Help your child understand the importance of balancing work and play, routine and flexibility.

    Activity Idea: Teach them simple time-management skills, like making time for studies and fun activities, helping them create a daily routine that balances both.

  17. Imagination
  18. Imagination is the key to creativity and problem-solving. This Navratri, encourage your child to dream big and think creatively.

    Activity Idea: Engage in storytelling sessions where your child makes up their own stories about Navratri or imagines new adventures for their favorite characters.

By using Navratri as a time to focus on these nine qualities, you not only make the festival meaningful for your child but also set the foundation for lifelong learning and growth.

Lalit Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

The post 9 Qualities You Can Instill in Your Child This Navratri appeared first on Li'l Miracles.

Fun Navratri Activities for Preschoolers at Home Sat, 21 Sep 2024 15:47:04 +0000 Navratri is a vibrant festival that brings joy and excitement into our homes. It’s a great time to introduce your preschooler to Indian traditions and culture in a fun and engaging way. Here are some creative activities to make this Navratri special for your little…

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Navratri is a vibrant festival that brings joy and excitement into our homes. It’s a great time to introduce your preschooler to Indian traditions and culture in a fun and engaging way. Here are some creative activities to make this Navratri special for your little ones:

  1. Create a Mini Dandiya Dance
    • What you need: Colorful sticks or even kitchen spoons.
    • Activity: Teach your preschooler simple dandiya steps or just let them enjoy rhythmic dancing to traditional Navratri music. This helps with coordination and rhythm, while introducing them to the dance culture of Navratri.
  2. Navratri-Themed Craft
    • What you need: Colored paper, glue, scissors (with adult supervision), paints, and stickers.
    • Activity: Have your child make their own dandiya sticks by decorating them with bright colors, or create a paper garba pot. Let them use stickers and other craft supplies to decorate their creations. This activity enhances their fine motor skills and creativity.
  3. Dress-Up and Role Play
    • What you need: Traditional attire like lehengas, kurtas, dupattas, or even scarves.
    • Activity: Dress up your child in traditional Navratri attire and let them pretend-play as their favorite characters from Navratri stories or folk tales. You can tell them stories of Goddess Durga to make the experience more enriching.
  4. Cooking Together: Healthy Festive Snacks
    • What you need: Ingredients for simple dishes like sabudana khichdi, fruit salad, or coconut laddoos.
    • Activity: Involve your preschooler in making simple festive foods. Let them mix ingredients or shape small laddoos. Cooking together builds bonding and teaches basic skills like counting and measuring.
  5. Story Time: Legends of Navratri
    • What you need: Picture books or short stories about Navratri.
    • Activity: Share age-appropriate stories about Goddess Durga, the nine avatars, and the significance of Navratri. You can act out the stories with puppets or toys to make them more engaging for your preschooler.
  6. Coloring Festive Pictures
    • What you need: Navratri-themed coloring pages, crayons, and markers.
    • Activity: Print out coloring pages with images related to Navratri, such as the Goddess, dandiya dancers, or garba scenes. Coloring is not only a fun activity, but also helps with hand-eye coordination.
  7. Make a Festive Puja Thali
    • What you need: A simple plate, flowers, diya, kumkum, rice, and any other items used for puja.
    • Activity: Allow your child to help prepare a small puja thali. They can decorate the plate with flowers or arrange items like diyas and kumkum. This is a great way to teach them about the rituals and symbolism of Navratri in a hands-on way.
  8. Navratri Songs and Rhymes
    • What you need: Music player or just your voice!
    • Activity: Sing traditional Navratri songs or bhajans with your child. You can even create simple rhymes about the nine nights of Navratri. Music helps with language development and creates a joyful atmosphere.

By engaging in these activities, you not only introduce your preschooler to the spirit of Navratri but also foster their creativity, motor skills, and cultural understanding. This festive season, create meaningful memories with your child while celebrating at home.

Lalit Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

The post Fun Navratri Activities for Preschoolers at Home appeared first on Li'l Miracles.

Life skills E – stands for EMPATHY Thu, 19 Sep 2024 05:13:29 +0000 Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a crucial life skill that lays the foundation for strong social connections, emotional intelligence, and healthy relationships. For preschoolers, developing empathy not only helps them navigate their early social experiences but also fosters…

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Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a crucial life skill that lays the foundation for strong social connections, emotional intelligence, and healthy relationships. For preschoolers, developing empathy not only helps them navigate their early social experiences but also fosters a lifelong capacity for compassion and kindness.

In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of empathy in early childhood, its benefits, and practical ways to nurture it in young children.

Why Empathy Is Important for Preschoolers?

Empathy is not an innate trait; it is a skill that children learn and develop over time. When preschoolers practice empathy, they:

  1. Build Healthy Social Relationships:
  2. Empathy helps children understand how others feel, making it easier for them to connect with their peers, resolve conflicts, and cooperate in group settings.

  3. Develop Emotional Intelligence:
  4. Empathetic children are more in tune with their own emotions and those of others, allowing them to handle feelings like frustration, sadness, or excitement with greater awareness and control.

  5. Foster Inclusion and Kindness:
  6. Empathy nurtures a sense of responsibility toward others. Children who are empathetic tend to be kinder, more inclusive, and willing to help their friends, making the social environment healthier and more positive.

  7. Prepare for Future Success:
  8. Empathy isn’t just about being kind; it’s a valuable skill in leadership, collaboration, and problem-solving. Empathetic individuals are often more successful in school, work, and personal relationships because they can understand different perspectives and work well in teams.

Benefits of Developing Empathy in Early Childhood

  1. Promotes Stronger Social Bonds:
  2. When preschoolers learn to recognize and respond to others’ emotions, they form stronger friendships and are more likely to maintain healthy, supportive relationships as they grow.

  3. Improves Communication:
  4. Empathy encourages active listening and meaningful dialogue. Children who understand the feelings of others are more likely to communicate thoughtfully and express themselves in a caring manner.

  5. Reduces Aggression and Bullying:
  6. Empathetic children are less likely to engage in harmful behaviors like bullying. Understanding how their actions affect others helps children practice self-control and choose kindness over aggression.

  7. Encourages Teamwork and Cooperation:
  8. Empathy enhances a child’s ability to work collaboratively with others. It leads to better cooperation, whether in play or problem-solving tasks, and fosters a sense of community in group activities.

  9. Supports Emotional Well-being:
  10. Learning empathy contributes to a child’s overall emotional health, as it allows them to navigate difficult emotions, find comfort in shared experiences, and seek help when needed.

How to Help Preschoolers Develop Empathy?

Model Empathy: Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults around them. Show empathy in your daily interactions—whether it’s being kind to others, acknowledging your child’s feelings, or discussing emotions openly.

Example: When someone is upset, you can say, “I see that they’re feeling sad. Let’s think about how we can help them feel better.”

Use Stories and Role-Playing: Reading stories that explore emotions or involve characters dealing with different challenges can spark conversations about empathy. Ask your child how the characters might be feeling and what they would do in similar situations.

Example: After reading a story, ask questions like, “How do you think that made her feel?” or “What would you do to help?”

Encourage Perspective-Taking: Help children understand that others may have different feelings or experiences. Talk to them about how someone else might feel in a situation and encourage them to think beyond their own point of view.

Example: “How do you think your friend felt when you shared your toy with them?” or “How would you feel if that happened to you?”

Praise Empathetic Behavior: Positive reinforcement can go a long way in reinforcing empathy. When your child shows kindness or understanding, praise them for it. This helps them recognize the value of their actions and encourages them to repeat them.

Example: “I’m proud of you for comforting your friend when she was upset. That was very kind of you.”

Create Opportunities for Caring: Give preschoolers chances to care for others, whether it’s helping a sibling, comforting a friend, or taking care of a pet. These real-life experiences allow them to practice empathy in meaningful ways.

Teach Emotion Vocabulary:

Helping children identify and label their emotions gives them the tools to express their feelings and understand others’. Use language that describes emotions—happy, sad, frustrated, excited—so they can articulate how they feel and relate to others.

Example: “I can see you’re feeling frustrated because the block tower fell over. What can we do to help fix it?”

Foster Group Play and Collaboration: Collaborative activities like group games, building projects, or cooperative play encourage children to work together, share ideas, and think about each other’s feelings during play.

Example: Encourage children to take turns and ask, “How can we all play this game together so that everyone has fun?”


Empathy is more than just a social skill; it’s a life skill that benefits children now and into the future. By fostering empathy in preschoolers, we equip them with the ability to form strong relationships, understand diverse perspectives, and navigate the world with kindness and compassion. With consistent guidance, modeling, and practice, children can develop the empathy needed to thrive socially and emotionally throughout their lives.

Riitu Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

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The Importance of Grandparents in Early Childhood Years Tue, 17 Sep 2024 04:50:34 +0000 Grandparents have always held a special place in family life, but in the early childhood years, their role becomes even more profound. The bond between grandparents and grandchildren is often filled with warmth, love, and a unique sense of security that nurtures the emotional and…

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Grandparents have always held a special place in family life, but in the early childhood years, their role becomes even more profound. The bond between grandparents and grandchildren is often filled with warmth, love, and a unique sense of security that nurtures the emotional and social development of young children. In a world where parents are busier than ever, grandparents can offer invaluable support, wisdom, and stability to both children and their parents.

  1. A Source of Unconditional Love and Patience
  2. For young children, knowing there is someone who always has time for them and loves them without limits is incredibly reassuring. Grandparents provide this unconditional love in abundance. Their patience and gentle understanding create a safe space where children feel free to explore, make mistakes, and learn. This unconditional love fosters emotional security, helping children develop confidence and a healthy sense of self-worth.

  3. Passing Down Traditions and Cultural Values
  4. Grandparents often serve as the custodians of family traditions, cultural practices, and values. They share stories of the past, teach children about their heritage, and impart the values that define their family. These connections to the past provide children with a sense of identity and continuity, helping them understand where they come from and what makes their family unique.

    For example, a grandmother teaching her grandchild how to prepare a traditional dish or a grandfather sharing tales of family history not only strengthens family bonds but also reinforces cultural identity. This transmission of knowledge and tradition is an invaluable gift, giving children roots that ground them in their cultural heritage.

  5. Emotional Support and Stability
  6. The early years of childhood are a time of rapid change and learning, and children can sometimes feel overwhelmed. Grandparents, with their steady presence and calming influence, often serve as an emotional anchor during these formative years. When parents are juggling the demands of work, home, and parenting, grandparents can step in to provide reassurance and a listening ear. This additional layer of support can reduce anxiety in children and offer a much-needed emotional balance.

  7. Life Lessons from Experience
  8. Grandparents offer a unique perspective on life, shaped by decades of experience. Their wisdom, gained over the years, allows them to teach valuable life lessons that may go beyond what parents can offer. Whether it’s teaching patience, resilience, or the importance of kindness, these life lessons resonate deeply with young children.

    For instance, a grandparent might help a child understand that failure is a part of life, not something to fear. By sharing their own experiences of overcoming challenges, they help build resilience in their grandchildren, fostering a healthy attitude toward setbacks.

  9. Supporting the Role of Parents
  10. In many families, grandparents also play a key role in supporting parents, whether through advice, caregiving, or simply being there as a trusted companion. In two-parent working households, grandparents often step in as caregivers, offering the kind of attention and care that is difficult to find elsewhere. This support helps ease the burden on parents while providing children with another layer of nurturing and security.

    Additionally, grandparents often have a different, more relaxed relationship with their grandchildren compared to parents. They are less involved in day-to-day discipline and responsibilities, allowing them to connect with children on a more playful and emotionally supportive level. This complementary relationship offers children the best of both worlds—structure from parents and gentle, nurturing from grandparents.

  11. A Special Kind of Play
  12. Grandparents bring a different kind of play into children’s lives. Because they often have more time and are less hurried, they engage in more relaxed, imaginative play that can leave lasting memories. Whether it’s reading stories, crafting, gardening, or simply spending time together, these playful interactions enhance a child’s creativity, language skills, and overall well-being.

  13. A Sense of Belonging and Connection
  14. Children who have close relationships with their grandparents tend to feel more connected to their family as a whole. This sense of belonging fosters a deep-rooted understanding that they are part of something bigger—a family unit that spans generations. This connection can have long-term benefits, helping children develop a strong sense of identity and belonging, which is crucial for their mental and emotional development.


The presence of grandparents during the early years of a child’s life is a gift that benefits everyone. Grandparents offer a unique blend of love, wisdom, and support that enriches children’s lives in ways that parents alone might struggle to provide. For children, the bond with their grandparents provides emotional security, valuable life lessons, and a deep sense of belonging. For parents, the help and wisdom of grandparents offer much-needed support during the busy, demanding years of raising young children.

In a rapidly changing world, the timeless connection between grandparents and grandchildren remains one of the most cherished and beneficial relationships a child can have. Encouraging and nurturing this bond is an investment not only in the child’s happiness and well-being but also in the strength of the family as a whole.

Riitu Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool

The post The Importance of Grandparents in Early Childhood Years appeared first on Li'l Miracles.
