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9 Qualities You Can Instill in Your Child This Navratri

Navratri is a time for celebration, traditions, and devotion, but it’s also an excellent opportunity for parents to instill important values and qualities in their children. As parents, you can use this festive season to nurture the following nine qualities in your little ones:

  1. Strength
  2. Navratri symbolizes the victory of good over evil, making it the perfect time to teach your child about inner strength. Encourage them to face challenges, whether it’s trying something new or overcoming fears, and show them that true strength lies in perseverance.

    Activity Idea: Engage in simple yoga or physical exercises to build physical strength and talk about how it translates to mental and emotional resilience.

  3. Kindness
  4. This festival teaches the importance of love and compassion. Encourage your child to show kindness towards others, be it family members, friends, or even animals. Small acts of kindness, like sharing toys or helping with chores, can go a long way.

    Activity Idea: Create a “kindness jar” where every act of kindness your child performs earns a token. At the end of Navratri, reward them with a special treat or experience.

  5. Wisdom
  6. Wisdom isn’t just about knowledge but understanding how to use it. During Navratri, you can introduce simple lessons about decision-making and problem-solving. Share stories from mythology that emphasize wisdom and good judgment.

    Activity Idea: Read age-appropriate stories from the Ramayana or Mahabharata and ask your child what they learned from the characters’ choices.

  7. Creativity
  8. Navratri is full of colors, music, and art. Tap into this creative energy by encouraging your child’s artistic side. Whether it’s making decorations for the house or creating their own Navratri-themed artwork, this is a great time to inspire their imagination.

    Activity Idea: Have a craft day where your child can make DIY garlands, paper dolls, or clay idols of Goddess Durga.

  9. Courage
  10. The stories of Navratri are filled with examples of courage, especially Goddess Durga fighting evil forces. Use these stories to show your child the importance of being brave in the face of difficulties.

    Activity Idea: Encourage them to try something new or face a small fear, like riding a bike or speaking up in a group, and reward their efforts regardless of the outcome.

  11. Joyfulness
  12. Navratri is a time of celebration, and joy is at the heart of the festival. Teach your child to appreciate the simple joys in life, from dancing to the beats of Garba to spending time with loved ones.

    Activity Idea: Organize a small family dance party at home and let your child experience the pure joy of movement, music, and togetherness.

  13. Gratitude
  14. Gratitude is a quality that can be nurtured from a young age. Encourage your child to be thankful for the things they have, from their toys to their meals, and the people around them.

    Activity Idea: Start a gratitude ritual, where every day during Navratri, your child writes down or shares one thing they are grateful for.

  15. Balance
  16. Navratri teaches the balance between devotion and celebration, between effort and joy. Help your child understand the importance of balancing work and play, routine and flexibility.

    Activity Idea: Teach them simple time-management skills, like making time for studies and fun activities, helping them create a daily routine that balances both.

  17. Imagination
  18. Imagination is the key to creativity and problem-solving. This Navratri, encourage your child to dream big and think creatively.

    Activity Idea: Engage in storytelling sessions where your child makes up their own stories about Navratri or imagines new adventures for their favorite characters.

By using Navratri as a time to focus on these nine qualities, you not only make the festival meaningful for your child but also set the foundation for lifelong learning and growth.

Lalit Sharma,

Li’l Miracles International Preschool